Hello people! This is my first time having a blog, an educational one for that matter. It's really a different experience because although I have read a few blogs before, I would say that none of them are along the education line. They're either mostly about popular stars or gossips about certain "hot topics".
So how am I supposed to make mine educational?? That was the first question I ask myself when I was told I had to maintain one. Thank God that at least there is one way of maintaining it, which is through my weekly reflection from each week's class. I was never one who dedicated myself to follow up on people's blogs and give comments, but for this course, that will be my first priority. Though I find it a bit tedious and time-consuming, I realise that this is one unique way of learning. People feel more free to express themselves here and they have no fear of getting "thrashed" by anyone because everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
Since it was the first class, Pn. Foziah was very lenient with us and gave a brief description about the course. Using and Developing Resources for the Primary Classroom is basically WORK, WORK and more WORK!! That made me feel nervous, yet, I believe that it will be fun to actually design teaching and learning materials for my future use. There is surely a reason why all of us teachers-to-be need to go for this course. I'm sure it is going to be a beneficial one where I will learn a lot of new things! Like what I always believe, there is a first time to everything.

Pn. Foziah also gave us some reminders:
1. Buy a 8GB pendrive

2. Install Adobe Photoshop CS3

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear Photoshop is edit photos. I have seen the product of an edited photo done by my sisters and honestly, I don't have the skills to produce such effects! Oh no!! Am I required to give a total outlook change on the pictures?? How am I supposed to do all that?? Those were some of the questions in my mind and truthfully, they scare me a little. Then again, as I've said earlier, there is always a reason why I have to do this course (aside from it being a core subject). Therefore, I will really try my very best to learn it and learn it WELL!
I guess that's the end of this week's entry. See you!
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