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Sunday, September 26, 2010

~Recap of Module 2~

Hey everyone! Today is the start of Week 10. Wow, how fast time flies!!

Fortunately for this week, we are not given any modules to do, but we are to continue with Module 2. Since I have finished it, I would say today is a REST day for me! Phew... thank God!!

Not to say that all the modules so far are a bore or uninteresting though. I really have learnt a lot from the previous modules. I have learnt how to download a lot of softwares and applications. I have learnt how to edit audio files and this time, I have learnt how to edit photos.

I would say that editing photos was the most enjoyable because it was a pleasure to see the effects of the editing. I like to change the colour cast, crop and drag it to another background. It was so interesting and fun! Not only can I create many teaching aids using this skill, I can also create other things for many other purposes. Now, creating a birthday card, poster or wallpaper is EASY with Photoshop CS3 and PhotoScape. These two are my favourites! ^^

I wonder what Module 4 and 5 have in store for me. Probably video editing?? Well, I'm yet to find out, but I'll definitely let you know!

See ya!

Monday, September 20, 2010

~The End of Module 3; The Start of Module 2~

Hey everyone! This is Week 9 now, the first week right after the Raya break. How is everyone?? Hope you've all had a great 2 weeks at home!

For me, my break was so-so because for the first week, I fell sick and couldn't do much work. I had to put off doing my work and assignments for the first week and could only start doing my work during the 2nd week.

Okay, time to get to work. During the hols, we were given Tutorial Module 3 to be done. It was all about editing audios using programmes such as Audacity, Wave Pad Editor and others. At first, I thought it was going to be super hard and complicated to understand because I've never done anything as big as editing audio files before, but after completing the module, I realised that it wasn't so hard after all. It is actually quite easy to change the pitch of the song and even to combine two songs together! It only takes a lot of continuous practice because once I stop doing it, I'll tend to forget.

Also, right after the break we have been given Module 2 to be completed. For Module 2, we have to learn to do photo editing. I haven't started on it yet, but I'm sure I'm going to learn on how to edit photos and other things. It's going to be very exciting!!

I guess that's it for this week. Time to get to work now! See ya!